‘Tis the season of winter celebrations, and we’re certainly celebrating here at HelpingTawy! Thanks to you, we’re within $500 of our final goal of $3000! But the question remains: can we “Make it By Moomas?”
Here are four great ways you can help us in the final stretch to raise the remaining money for our Tawy House plumbing repairs by December 25th:
1.) Sign up to donate to the House of Netjer every time you do some of your holiday shopping via AmazonSmile!
2.) Check out our artistic donation gifts as possible gift options for your friends and family. We have some great new spiritual jewelry pieces made by Sarduriur, and several other artists like Rayashi and A’aqytsekhmet who you could commission to make a unique piece of wearable art or a painting!
3.) Curious about what lies ahead for you in the new year? Consider the divination donation gifts under spiritual services!
4.) Earn a holiday music album available only for those who read this update by contacting Saryt at [email protected] with proof of donation by December 10th. Sarytsenuwi will send you an album (including a minimum of 6 a capella tracks) of a few of her Kemetic adaptations of traditional holiday carols, to be digitally delivered on the 21st. Minimum $10.00 donation required!
A merry Moo-mas to everyone, and may you and yours have a joyous winter holiday season!